Sunday, May 31, 2009

Family Bike Ride

Great idea- lets go for a bike ride as a family. No one had plans so this should be a good idea. Apparently not, but I forced it on them. I dangled a bike ride to dairy queen, dinner etc. The 16 yr old was sulky to say the least, he dragged behind us. When I asked him to keep up, he got snarky- look at my bike, the springs and the wheels this is a mountain bike how can I keep up??? Hmm, your brother has the same bike and he is ahead of us.... Anyway we made it to a nice resort outside of town and had dinner on a deck overlooking the pond. Halfway through dinner Jimmy started warming up. The ride home was a different story, all of a sudden Jimmy's bike was performing- go figure. The testosterone kicked in and he was bumping his brother's tire, which caused some high pitched outcrys. A nice steep downhill set the mood. He got bored with stalking his brother and decided to have me face some of my fears on the bike path, a few close calls with coming to close to me, a couple of cut offs and he was back to his regular teenage self. Nothing like a nice family bike ride........

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