Tuesday, June 2, 2009

World of Warcraft and other such nonsense

TV used to be the nemesis of parents. No more- now we have computer games. I have tried to be understanding. I have done research. There is alot of research saying that in fact playing computer games is not an anti-social activity but in fact it brings kids together. They have a common talking point at school. Ok, that makes sense but I swear it is addictive!! Is there some background flashing light hypnotizing them to play more. It sure seems like it. I have made rules, homework first. That changed to homework first, play outside then computer games. That had to be changed to no computer games during the week- period. The problem is I am not always home right after school and occassionally I will go out on a weeknight. I would come home and they would be on the computer "doing schoolwork" Funny how they clicked out of a screen as I came in. I have now done what I never wanted to do. I have physicially restricted access. I have always believed that you could work with children to help lead them to make the right choices. Not in this case, I have caved and got my husband to block the IP site on weekdays. There done....

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, linked here from 3FC and this post caught my eye. I'm going to be blunt, so I'm sorry if this is rude. The more you push it away, the more your kids WILL resent you for it. Are you sure this is something you want to make an issue of? Does it REALLY hurt them? Values of todays generation are different from yesterdays, and, in general, I haven't seen kids that play WOW all the time be any different than kids that don't. My brother (still in HS) plays for 4+ hours during the week, and probably 8+ on the weekend, and he still has good grades, lots of "real" people friends that he spends time with doing other activities (including paintball, laser tag, and other outdoors and physical activities) and is currently set to start a very nice education and career in biotech when he graduates. Obviously, WoW hasn't been an evil monster in his life, and he spends more time on it than anyone I've ever seen. Just something to think about... I realize this post is old, maybe things have changed. But I would question if this is something worth making your kids hate you over.
