Remember the days you would hear about a fight afterschool and a crowd would gather to watch the fallout? We were only watching, no problem. That is no longer the case. in fact the school takes these voyeur's activities very seriously and investigates to determine whether or not they were instigators. The big concern is that boys and girls are being manipulated and pushed into fighting so that others can capture the fight on video and post it on You Tube. Can you believe it? To proactively try and get others to fight for your own benefit is beyond my comprehension. In many cases the two boys fighting don't really know each other and may have had one little disagreement. Often times the instigator will go to one of the boys and say "so and so wants to fight you now" and it goes back and forth until they are pressured into agreeing to fight. Start early and talk to your children while in grade school so they can anticipate these situations and find a way out. It will also help ensure that they don't get dragged into being instigators.